What we do?
Our company provides many services to farmers and agriculture’s establishments all over Italy.

Sales Promotion
Our customers are Retailers, Agricultural Cooperatives and Consortia distributors of products for the nutrition and crop protection to farms and to green maintenance companies.

Agrochemicals development
Our goal is the optimization of nutritional and defense interventions to maximize the technical result minimizing environmental impact and residues on the crop.

Experimental trials
Our R&D team manages experimental and demo trials on herbaceous crops (rice-wheat-corn-soy-sunflower), vineyards, orchard, and vegetable crops from sowing to harvesting.

Sprayers calibration and control center
The current regulations require that sprayers must be subjected to compulsory checks carried out by approved centers at least once every five years until 31/12/2020, thereafter every three years.

Collaboration with University of Pavia
- Partner in “Laurea Magistrale Plus LM+” program

Precision farming
-Satellite systems
-Computer Vision

Collaboration with University of Turin
Hosting students for curricular internships
Why choose us?
Organisational model